How to Lighten Your Load Before a Move

How to Lighten Your Load Before a Move

  If you’re about to move, your time is precious. You don’t want to waste it packing things you won’t even use in your new home. Here are a few tips for how to lighten your load before moving day: Set Aside Time It’s difficult to find time for things we want to...

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How to Stage a Hoarding Intervention

How to Stage a Hoarding Intervention

Hoarding goes beyond just the junk drawer, a household staple. It's a subject that's been captured on the television show "Hoarders," continuously shocking viewers--but in reality, it's a serious threat to both mental and physical health. It often stems from...

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Sustainable Ways to Get Rid of Holiday Gift Wrapping

Sustainable Ways to Get Rid of Holiday Gift Wrapping

If you're anything like me, the end of this long holiday weekend means getting rid of the mountain of gift wrapping paper, boxes and other packaging your holiday gifts came in.  Those of you who went shopping on Boxing Day may have even added more packaging to...

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Cleaning for the New Year

Cleaning for the New Year

Fresh year, fresh start! There's something about the shift from one calendar year to the next that makes everyone want to change for the better. Of course, we all know that changes can be made any day of the year and don't need to correspond with your new planner. So,...

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Moving Tips for Senior Citizens

Moving Tips for Senior Citizens

Moving day for senior citizens can come with added stress, as many are moving out of their longtime homes into smaller apartments. For many of us with aging parents, ensuring a relaxed move carries enormous importance--so follow these tips to have a smooth moving day....

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Tips for Downsizing into a Retirement Home

Tips for Downsizing into a Retirement Home

As we get older, we somehow manage to accumulate more and more stuff. As the years go on, we get to a certain point where we must downsize our space and declutter our lives. Downsizing into a retirement home can be a physically and emotionally tough time, but these...

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How Much Can You Fit in a U-Box Container?

How Much Can You Fit in a U-Box Container?

If moving by truck or trailer isn't an option for your next move, do not fret! A third option is available for your move: the U-Box® moving container! U-Box containers make Moving and storage convenient and provide less worry through various delivery and pick-up...

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How To Make Room For Your First Baby

How To Make Room For Your First Baby

Whether your first baby is planned well in advance or is a total surprise, there’s one thing that’s true: babies—while small in stature—take up a lot of space! If you and your partner carefully timed the arrival of your little one, then you probably planned on...

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5 Things to Leave Behind When You Move

5 Things to Leave Behind When You Move

Moving is a great time to go through your belongings and purge, purge, purge. What better excuse to get rid of unwanted clutter than the burning desire to not have to pack it and move it? Some things are just not worth the effort to move. So, while you're packing for...

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Storage in Las Vegas

Storage in Las Vegas

If you're living in Las Vegas, you probably have a very active lifestyle in the middle of such an entertainment driven city with something happening 24/7. That being said, you are likely to have a fair amount of personal belongings to keep up with the constantly...

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7 Signs You are a Pack Rat

7 Signs You are a Pack Rat

Definition Pack rat (noun): a person who saves unnecessary objects or hoards things Above is the definition of a pack rat.  For minimalists or people that have no problem getting rid of items, "unnecessary objects" are obvious and eliminated from the household.  For a...

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